Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#9 News Log: Boy Genius

     Cutting out some TV time sure makes a difference for 14-year-old genius, Moshe Kai Cavalin.  He enrolled in college in 2009 at age 11, graduating with two Associates of Art degrees and a perfect GPA.  His book, "We Can Do," explains how other young people could succeed like he did with some hard work.  Cavalin, who dislikes being called a genius, tells interviewers, "People need to know you don't really need to be a genius. You just have to work hard and you can accomplish anything."  When he was younger he was more involved in extra-curricular activities, however his studies in UCLA and writing his book have taken up his life.  Just barely a teenager, after earning his bachelor's degree, the math major plans to enroll in graduate school with hopes of eventually earning a degree.  Originally inspired to write by his professor, Richard Avila, he hopes to motivate others with his methods for success. 
       It's not every day that you find an 11-year-old enrolling in college.  Although Moshe does not like being called a genius, I geniunely believe he is one.  It's not to say that he is naturally born that way and doesn't work to achieve his success, but I think it would be somewhat degrading not to call him a genius.  I always find myself envious of younger, or older people for that matter, that are incredibly smarter than me.  Cavalin does state that hard work has gotten him where he is today, but I don't think that that's all there is to it.

Source:  Boy Genius's Book Reveals Life in College

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